Where Beauty, Innovation, and Expertise Converge



  • You have undergone a dermal filler treatment where hyaluronic acid has been placed in the skin. You may initially be swollen, red and bruised which will subside within the next 1 – 10 days, especially if the bruising is extensive.
  • It is advisable that you do not touch the area for 6 hours.
  • Do not apply make up for approximately 6 hours unless it is mineral based.
  • Avoid exposure to UV, extreme heat i.e. sauna, steam rooms, sun beds etc. as this may increase discomfort and swelling.
  • Also avoid extreme cold; this includes ice packs that are directly applied to the skin. If necessary you can apply a cool compress to the area to reduce any discomfort or swelling.
  • Arnica tablets/gel can be used to help reduce bruising or the application of vitamin k oxide cream.
  • If you have had any numbing crèmes or injections please do not consume any hot or cold drinks until your sensation has returned to normal. You must also be careful when eating so that you do not risk biting your lip.
  • If you experience any lumpiness in the implantation area it can be gently massaged to help smooth this out.
  • You should also avoid any facial massages or skin resurfacing until the area has healed fully.


  • Do not massage the treated area. If the area is washed, pat dry very gently with a soft towel. Do not rub the treated area for 48 hours.
  • Do not bend excessively or lie down for at least 4 hours.
  • Do exercise the treated muscles by tensing them and relaxing them for the first hour after treatment.
  • Do not exercise, sauna or fly for 48 hours following treatment as these activities break down the toxin and will make the treatment less effective.
  • Botulinum Toxin takes from 2 to 14 days to become effective. This is dependent on the strength of the muscles injected and the individual response.
  • If the degree of muscle relaxation is not as you would wish, please contact your practitioner.
  • Treatment with Botulinum Toxin is temporary and to maintain the effects, treatment is recommended every 3 to 6 months.
  • If you have any concerns please contact your aesthetic practitioner.



  • To minimise the risk of bruising or bleeding, it is advised to refrain from consuming Aspirin and Vitamin E for pain relief. Instead, Paracetamol is an acceptable alternative. Post-procedure, intermittent application of ice for 5 minutes can provide soothing and cooling effects. Additionally, the use of a gentle fan can also offer comfort and alleviate any discomfort experienced.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 48 hours.
  • Bruising may occur. Avoid direct sunlight, sunbeds and heat therapies for atlas 48 hours.
  • Avoid hot baths and showers (tepid water only) for 5 days.
  • Massage the treated area for about 15 minutes per day for two weeks after treatment to aid the process of fat elimination.
  • Nodules are not uncommon. They can last up to a month and usually disappear without any intervention. However, we would need to assess anything unusual.
  • Drink lots of fluids (water) for the first 24 hours.

What Skin Products Should I Use After Injectables?

With many hyaluronic fillers, patients can experience dry skin in and around the injected area for the first few days. Since skin is typically prepped with antiseptic agents to ensure a clean working surface, skin can be left dry by the end of the treatment. Your skincare routine post-treatment is paramount after your dermal filler treatment to ensure the best results.

Your Skincare Products & Tools

Be extra gentle when applying skincare products. If you find that you have redness or sensitivity from the injections you might want to steer clear of retinol, glycolic acid, and exfoliating agents for 24 hours post-treatment to minimise irritation. Avoid any oily creams or skin oils, this will reduce the risk of infection at the injection sites.

Don’t use harsh tools like cleansing brushes or micro-needling home rollers. Most fillers need at least two weeks to settle, so you don’t want to disrupt or interfere with them before they settle.

Cleansing and moisturising regularly will help maintain your skins hydration and minimise the risk of developing further fine lines and wrinkles.

Drink plenty of fluids after treatment

You should aim for at least 2 liters per day. If the area is tender, you can use simple over the counter pain killers such as paracetamol.

What cream to use after fillers/ injections?

Treat Bruising with Aloe Vera, Vitamin K, or Arnica Creams

When in Doubt, CONTACT US!

Following your treatment, We will advise you on the best possible form of aftercare for all  fillers and injection treatments. If you have any concerns about your post-treatment, make sure you contact us or a healthcare professionals as soon as possible.


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